January 1, 2007

Economics of Politics in a Weak Nation Confronting Globalization

Sajjad Zohir Seminar Paper Thought process outlined with a set of inter-linked propositions that end up in a dilemma. Drawing upon experiences in some of the less developed countries and […]
December 1, 2006

Reaching the Extreme Poor: Challenges, Constraints and Opportunities

Sajjad Zohir Seminar Paper Bangladesh had a successful expansion of the microcredit2 sector during the last two decades of the 20th century. During the early years of success, microcredit was […]
November 1, 2006

Social Development and Human Security: Issues and Perspectives

Sajjad Zohir Seminar Paper The paper was presented at an international workshop organized by the Human Development Network in Islamabad. The development discourse moved from social safety nets to social […]
February 13, 2006

Changing Policy Environment in Mongolia: Role of UNCT in a Country at Crossroads

Sajjad Zohir and Mahesh Patel As a part of multi-country study, the exercise was undertaken for IDS- Sussex, meant to assess the roles of UN agencies in promoting poverty reduction […]