It looks into prices of new apartments and reasons why the price remains ‘irrationally’ high, compared to second-hand (registered) apartments. One obvious link suggested is with ‘black’ (un-taxed) money. Came […]
Sajjad Zohir and Imran Matin Article published in Journal of International Development J. Int. Dev.16, 301–330 (2004) The paper distinguishes between a ‘wider’ definition of wider impacts (which takes into […]
Akhter U. Ahmed, Shahidur Rashid, Manohar Sharma, and Sajjad Zohir International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Donors support a number of targeted food-based programs in Bangladesh that are widely credited […]
Marc Luppino, Greg Gajewski, Sajjad Zohir, Bazlul Khondker, and David Crowther Construction of the Jamuna Bridge, now the 11th longest bridge in the world, began in October 1994 and finished […]