July 1, 1995

Editor’s Introduction to Crop Diversification

Sajjad Zohir The Bangladesh Development Studies (BDS) 891
July 1, 1994

Agricultural Growth through Crop Diversification in Bangladesh

An IFPRI working paper drawing upon a BIDS-IFPRI research. Wahiduddin Mahmud, Sultan Hafeez Rahman, Sajjad Zohir This study is aimed at outlining the policies and issues of crop diversification that […]
March 1, 1994

Corruption and Entrepreneurship- some further thoughts

BIDS Journal, The Bangladesh Development Studies Vol. XXII, March 1994, No. 1 Sajjad Zohir Taking cue from a paper by Taslim on corruption in the same journal, it is argued […]
September 1, 1993

Problems and Prospects of Crop Diversification

Sajjad Zohir Article published in BIDS Journal The Bangladesh Development Studies Vol. XXI, September 1993, No 3 Uses survey data of 1992 to assess the limits to crop diversification in […]