June 15, 1993

Zoning of Bangladesh: An Exercise Based on Existing Cropping Practices

Article published in BIDS Journal The Bangladesh Development Studies Vol. XXI, June 1993, No.2 Sajjad Zohir   Vector distances are used to group territories exhibiting similar cropping patterns; and the […]
December 1, 1989

Wage and Labor Market in Agriculture: Some Components

Sajjad Zohir Article published in BIDS Journal The Bangladesh Development Studies Vol. VXII, December 1989. No 4 Economists tend to assume primacy of spot/casual labor markets; and attempt to explain […]
December 1, 1988

Production and Distribution In a Single Crop Economy

Production and Distribution In a Single Crop Economy An Alternative Approach to the Analysis of Labour Contract in Traditional Agriculture Sajjad Zohir Thesis Paper The literature on agricultural contracts has […]
June 1, 1987

Output Sharing as a form of Wage Payment During Harvest

Sajjad Zohir Article published in BIDS Journal The Bangladesh Development Studies Vol. 15, No. 2 (June 1987), pp. 121-132 Prevalence of fixed coefficient technology in harvest operation is shown; and […]