September 14, 2007

Managing Food Security to Sustain Political Transition (Part I)

Sajjad Zohir Published in The Daily Star on: June 03, 2007 This article summarises in two installments. The first part looks into the plausible reasons of price increase observed. The […]
June 1, 2007

Implementation of Policies for Reducing Chronic Poverty PRS Country Study: Bangladesh

Sajjad Zohir, Abantee Harun, Naser Farid, Iftekharul Huq ERG, CPRC and ODI Background Paper for the Chronic Poverty Report 2008-09 Bangladesh’s IPRSP was finalised in June 2003 and the full […]
May 1, 2007

Exclusion and Poverty: An analytical approach for understanding exclusion and assessing programs targeting the very poor in Bangladesh

Sajjad Zohir, Mehnaz Rabbani, Biva Arani Mallik, Iftekharul Huq and Raisa Afsana This paper is one of the outputs of a research undertaking by the Economic Research Group in collaboration […]
January 1, 2007

Economics of Politics in a Weak Nation Confronting Globalization

Sajjad Zohir Seminar Paper Thought process outlined with a set of inter-linked propositions that end up in a dilemma. Drawing upon experiences in some of the less developed countries and […]