July 14, 2013

Exclusion and Initiatives to ‘Include’: Revisiting Basic Economics to Guide Development Practice

Sajjad Zohir Publisher: Springer The paper reconstructs the definition of exclusion and its various facets by applying a set of principles that underlie economic analyses. The analysis reveals that many […]
May 20, 2013

Issues in Assessing Multi-Sector Food and Nutrition Programmes

Sajjad Zohir, Nazme Sabina, Ruhul Amin Submitted to: World Food Programme (WFP) The term assessment carries wide range of meanings, which is reflected in the range of synonyms it has […]
March 12, 2013

BCIM and reflections on the prospect of Bangladesh’s development through regional connectivity

Sajjad Zohir Research Director, Economic Research Group, and Professor in Economics, BRAC University   Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar have long been members of the BCIM forum; and efforts are […]
February 10, 2013

স্বাগত জানাই তরুণদের – সেইসাথে কিছু শঙ্কার প্রলাপ

February 10, 2013 Sajjad Zohir 1330