Reaching the Extreme Poor: Challenges, Constraints and Opportunities
December 1, 2006
Exclusion and Poverty: An analytical approach for understanding exclusion and assessing programs targeting the very poor in Bangladesh
May 1, 2007

Economics of Politics in a Weak Nation Confronting Globalization

Sajjad Zohir
Seminar Paper

Thought process outlined with a set of inter-linked propositions that end up in a dilemma.

Drawing upon experiences in some of the less developed countries and the happenings around the globe over last two decades, I shall try to put together a number of propositions. We may like to discuss each of these propositions separately, broadly reach a consensus, and then attempt to build a broader perspective on the real world – both present and likely future. During the discussion, I shall try to elaborate on each of these propositions based on my limited knowledge. Some of the propositions may not hold for a specific country – and these should be changed accordingly.

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